Friday, May 25, 2012

Forks Over Knives , Flash Project

Forks Over Knifes

1 . What do you think about this documentary will be about ?
I think this documentary is going to be about food and the safety about it and how to use utensils   .

2 .What do you think the title implies or indicates about the film ?
I think that the title implies that you need these utensils to eat . 

  • 1 in 5 american 5 year old kids are obese .
  • Diabetes are life threatening .
  • 2.2 million dollars is used for health care a year . 
  • Half of Americans are taking prescription drugs . 
  • Every minute in the u.s , a person dies of Heart disease .


Monday, May 21, 2012

Thoughts and reflections on the 3rd annual globey awards

1. What did you think about the article?
I thought it was pretty funny how he was saying we are so young and doing all this stuff , and how he can't do any of this stuff .

2. How did it make you feel to read about your school and GLobaloria, a program that you participate in.
It made me feel good because we got recognized and someone knows about the stuff we do and wants to be where we are at making these games .

3. If your game was featured in the article, how did it make you feel? Proud, happy?
My game wasn't featured .

4. If your game was not featured in the article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game?
I would've liked the author to say it was a good game and that it was put together well and that it was really colorful .

5. Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article and why?
Hmm , I think Laura's game because it was also one of the nominees for best game and it was really good .

Monday, May 14, 2012

My comments

First comment . . . Disaster game - Your game " Disaster " is really good . I like how your game is not too easy , not too hard . I really like the first part of the game with the elephants because if we lost , we h a d to beat ittttt . No questions about it .

Second comment . . . Forest rats - Your game was absolutely one of the best ! Your artwork was amazing , how did you get it to look like that ? Its sooo cool , I just love the animation .

Third comment . . . No gang more maze - Laura , your game was amazing ! I really like your animation and the codes you used . Your maze was super good also . :) Anddddd , Good luck in the award thingy . ^.^

Friday, May 11, 2012

Final Game .

Name of your team : The Losersss .
Title of your game  : Save a Kiddo .
Topic of your game : Child Abuse awareness
What is the Learning Goal : The learning goal is to teach the person playing our game that child abuse is a big issue and needs to stop , and also how effective it can be to just one person .
How will the player learn about the topic from playing your game : Before each level the player will be given facts about child abuse today and also will be given questions / scenarios and will have to define what kind of abuse is it .
What you would like to add or improve upon in the game : I would like to change the fact its a maze game ? i would like to add another level other then a maze .
What was the most challenging part of creating this game : Umm , I would say putting all the coding together and making sure everything had instance names . That took a while to do . -.-
What are you most proud of or what did you figure out through critical thinking and trial/error : I'm proud that my team and I made a game that teaches about child abuse . There are hardly any games like ours that are about child abuse .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My top three choices

1 . Disaster , Team Packers , 5 - 11 Arcos
2 . No gang ; more maze , La Sopa , 3 -11 Arcos  
3 . Forest rats , Green bugs , 3 - 11 Arcos

Monday, March 19, 2012


Respect means to treat others the way you want to be treated ; kindly .
Respect is when you don't talk while the teacher is talking because you are respecting her time and letting her talk , or when you take care of the computer equipment and not messing it up because you are treating it with care . Your also showing respect when you are going places or just walking , you're not bumping into people around you because your respecting the space they have . Your also showing this by not being rude , you should be kind .

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Game Demo Slides

^ I made these for our game demo in Flash .

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games ! :)

I created this in Flash .

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Notes 2 - 23 - 2012

- Intro : Valerie
- Team intro : Karina
- Audience : Karina
- Game play : Alexis
- Learning goal : Karina
- Fun factor : Alexis
- Smart factor : Valerie

Not Completed
- Style factor: Alexis
- Originality factor : Valerie

Make sure that when you save its like this ---> TeamName_Intro or whatever screen your doing so that your file isn't replaced with anyone else . . When your making your game skeleton make sure you have buttons so that you can go to page to page ( next and previous ) . When you are making your audience page make sure you don't say " this game is for everyone " because not everyone is going to be interested in your game , you need to be specific on who the game is going to be for .

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nike .

Nike factories

- In Indonesia , people only make 1.25 dollars a day .
- They work for about 14 hours a day , maybe even more , to get as much money as possible for their families .
- Nike leaves shoe bottoms in a big pile where children play and set the shoe bottoms on fire , letting out cancerous fumes .
- The CEO of Nike could care less about what is going on in the factories and that's just really mean !
- The workers just want an honest living .
- The CEO of Nike is convinced that Americans don't want to make shoes and that's why he has it in Indonesia .
- He is not willing or wants to go over to the factories and see how its like to work there because he knows what everyone has been telling him about it being horrid is true .
- Workers are made to sign a contract in a language they don't understand .
- They take away their passports .
- To leave they have to pay off their debt and buy back passports .
- They are living in forced labor .
- The workers at the Nike factory use to live in very poor conditions , but now they have moved from that , to living in apartments .

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Object in the sky !

How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game ?
- You could learn more about it and give information about why and how this happened by having the player go in space .

What genre would you focus on ?
- I would focus it on strategy .

What skill or topic would your game teach ?
- It would teach how this object came to earth and what it is exactly .

What would the player have to do in the game ?
- Umm , the player would have to be in a space ship and describe what they see and try to draw the object as close as they can to what they saw in the sky, then compare it to the real life one and see how similar they are to each other . And then how to describe what they think it is and how they think it got to Earth .

What would the hero of your game look like ? The enemy ?
- The hero would be a cartoon person in a space suit , but i don't think there would be an enemy .

What type of animations or sounds would the player see and hear ?
- The player would see a space setting and sounds you would hear in space .

What would be the title of your game ?
- " The Object ! "

Draw me a simple title screen in Flash of your game and embed it in the blog post. Remember you can use "Blogging Tips" in the Wiki to retrieved the embed code you will need . . .

I made this in Flash . . . :)

Monday, January 23, 2012


I made this in Flash

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Action Script

Action Script is a programming language in Flash .

Action Script -
  • Buttons
  • Animation
  • Key frames
  • Layers
Programming -
  • Objects
  • Codes ( Drag and drop , Collision detection )
  • Movement ( Keyboard control , jumping )
  • Buttons
  • Mouse
  • Scrolling background
  • platforms

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash Reminders

Flash Reminders
1 . Place everything in its own layer .
2 . Place corresponding layers in the same folder .
3 . Label layers and folders .
4 . You must assign instance names to all symbols .
5 . Upload a l l of your work to the Wiki , whether it is complete or not .

General Rule
* Save often ---> Flash folder or flash drive ----> Outlook .

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Gaming Habits

What types of games do you enjoy playing ?
I don't really play video games , but when I do their those Wii games .
What are the titles ?
Umm , Mario Kart , Wii Sports , Just Dance ?
When did you begin playing games, on what type of game system ?
I play on the Wii or use my sister's Ds thing .
Do your parents/guardians limit the amount of time you are allowed to play games ?
Not really , just as long as we don't get in the their way and keep quiet .
Do you think it is possible to get completely addicted to playing video games ? Why or why not ?
Yes , because they might really want to beat that game so yeah . .

Monday, January 9, 2012

Globaloria and Gamefication, Game Design, & Game Mechanics.

What do you learn in Globaloria ?
- Globaloria is a class we take to make educational games about social issues in our community . In Globaloria I learned how to use the Wiki , Flash . In flash I learned how to make animation and how to make objects move across the screen . We also learned how to make a game that we made our self and how to upload pictures to the wiki . These things could help me in the future because I would have all this experience on the computer and such .

Game Design , Game Mechanics , Gameification -
Game Design ( Skeletal Framework ) - the process which includes the brainstorming & creating of the rules and contents of the game .
Game Mechanics - function of the actual game , what happens to the gamer's character through out the game .
Gameification - adding new things to the game , like adding point score , award badges , etc .

New Goals For 2012

1. Don't be tardy .
2. Participate in class discussions way more .
3. Don't be late for school .
4. Don't get any tiger tracks .
5. Do better in History .
6. Actually study .
7. Don't have side conversations in class .
8. Turn in work on time .
9. Have perfect attendance .
1O. Don't be late to classes .