Thursday, December 16, 2010
Karina S 14 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Epic Mickey
Monday, November 15, 2010
Karina S 13 2010
Part 4: In the video it was talking about how the temperature is raising fast and how they think it is going to increase 3 to 5 more degrees in the next century. Most of the earths area is water. 70% of the earth is water,most of it covers the pacific. It was also talking about how scientist are studying krill ( larger plantain). All of the animals that live in the oceans are driven North because of global warming. There are these little crabs that live in the ocean and if the water changes 2 degrees, the little crabs will die. The water climate is changing because the sun is hitting the water, so the water is heated up. Part 5: In the video it was talking about how dramatic changes are happening in the world. In Lake Guri it was once lushes and green, but now all of the plants are dead and only the strong plants have survived. It is like this because of a big flood that hit there, it destroyed everything there. Animals on iguana island are so crowded because all of the trees are left, so they fight for food, shelter, and they become antisocial to others. Since the predators are disappearing the preys are growing like crazy. People are thinking about instead of killing the predators we should bring them back, but if we do that we are risking our lives doing that. In Yellow Stone National Park a lot of aspen trees are disappearing. People are thinking climate change is doing this, but no it is because of the wolfs that are killed that are effecting the aspen trees. With the wolfs back in Yellow Stone Park it has brought back green grass, trees , and now beavers are starting to build homes in the water. Scientist were looking at the coral reefs to see the changes in them. They saw that in the coral reef, plants like coral have not been growing for months. In St Lucia the coral reef is way better than the one in Jamaica.
Part 6: In this part of the video people were looking for the leopard frog. They were saying how the might look strong and healthy, but in the inside they have things going wrong. The number of the frogs are declining. They think that atrizine (pest decide) is what is killing the frogs. Frogs that come from atrizine water are deformed and the frogs that come from clean water are healthy. The atrizine mostly effects the male Leopard frogs than the females. The Beluga whales are in trouble because the are contaminated with chemical mixers. With this the wales can get cancer. Scientist have been trying to come up with a way to prevent their cancer. In the water poeple fish in are contaminated with bacteria, so the fish that people fish have bacteria too. So every fish they take they can't take it home, they have to throw it back. Divers are really interested in a fish called the Molamola because of the chemicals that are inside of it and what they do. If we pay close attention to the animals in the world, they are telling us how the enviorment is.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Karina S 13 2010
Part 1: In the first part of the video it was talking about how animals are were they are not where they are suppose to be. It was talking about how termites are destroying everything. People can't trust the floor beneath their feet because they are afraid they might fall. It was saying how most termites are in wooden houses or places.
Part 2: In the second part of the movie it was talking about how animals and plants are taking over places in the world. There is this one plant called the myconia is very pretty. People were using it as a decoration because of the purple left it turned into. This plant is very hard to get rid of and if people try to cut it it would grow back very fast because of the chemical that is inside of it. They said if you don't take good care of a alien plant it will turn into a big impact.
Part 3: In the third part of the video it was talking about climate change. It was saying that 99% of the animals San Fransisco Bay comes from different places of the world. It was also saying that the Caribou's are decreasing because of climate change. The use to be almost 8 million in one pack, but now there is only 100,000. This is a big deal because a lot of people depend on these animals because of their meat and fur. They have been decreasing because they can not adapted quickly enough to the climate change. Some people in the world don't care at all for this because they think it is not important, but it is.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Karina S 11 2010
Hi, my name is Karina. The topic I'm focusing on is coral reef fish, how the live what they eat, how they benefit the coral reef, and how the numbers of fish is in the coral reef is declining because of fish farming. Some of the websites that helped me get information about this topic are....
Wiki Sources:
Other Websites/ Informational Resources
News resources that will help my research
These websites gave me informaton about how certian fish live, what they eat, and how they are decreasing in population, and that is just what information I needed from this topic.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Karina S 12 2010
In this movie it was talking about how global warming is really hurting us. Global warming is causing alot of natural disasters in the world. Example: hurricanes, Hurricanes cause alot of damage to oil rigs, people, and thier houses. When Katrina hit it hurt alot of people. It took them 9 months to rebuild house for the people that live there, but still people today have no home.
The film was also talking about how people in the U.S gorge them self. People in the U.S are going crazy for oil, they are taking control of other peoples property because of oil, they are polluting their air and water because of oil, decreasing the amount food because of oil. This is hurting alot of people in alot of ways. Lots of countries have oil, but are running out because we think we HAVE to have oil in every single thing we use, but we don't. Oil is also making people fight. The war in Iraq is happening because of oil.
The flim was also talking about climate change. It is because of all of the airplane use in the world .People are thinking about bring down the sales price for air planes because they think they are making things better for the people that ride trains, but all they are doing is making things worse. People are trying to put up wind frams to stop climate change, but it is making other peolpe upset because they are saying that they are destorying the view putting those things there. If you think about it, yeah they are going to block the view, but what view are we going to have in 20 years with out these things. In the movie they call our genaration the age of stupid.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Game Design Competition
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Karina S 10 2010
National Geographic: Deforestation
1996-2010 Found Oct. 11, 2010
Source 2: National Geographic
Forest Holocaust 1996-2009
Found Oct. 11, 2010
Source 3: By: Rebecca Lidsey - Designed by Robert Simmion
Tropical Deforestation March 30, 2007
Found Oct. 11, 2010
Source 4: Philp M. Fearnside
Deforestation in Amazonia March 30, 2007
Found Oct. 11, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Karina S 9 2010
Use the format below to add Internet resources to a bibliography.
Author. Title of website.Web address or URL. Copyright date.Date you found the information.
Jennie Finch Biography. 2010 Found October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Karina S 8 2010
In Globaloria we were watching a video called Coral Reef Adventure. In our notes we were asking questions about coral reefs like what are they?, Where are they found?, etc.. These are the answers we got. A coral reef is a place under water where plants live. The plants are very colorful and are very delicate, they can get destroyed very easily. All coral reefs are found on the bottom of the ocean. Coral reefs are endangered because of ocean warming, siltation, and over fishing. Over fishing is a reason why coral reefs are endangered because coral reefs need the fish to eat all of the bad things off of the plants. We need coral reefs because when they die fish die, so that means no more fish to eat and plus the generations to come will never be able to go and see coral reefs, they will just look at pictures. Some other things I found out was that coral reefs have been around for more than 60 million years. All coral reefs are almost all gone! And if you go down to see a coral reef you have to be very careful because you can get a very bad disease and die. Some things every one can do to save coral reefs is to not over fish and don't throw trash in the ocean. Together we can all save coral reefs.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Karina S 7 2010
Saving Species of Planet Earth
In globaloria we were watching a video called Saving Species of Planet Earth. It was talking about how animals are endangered and about to be extinct. There are a lot of animals that are endangered, amphibians, polar bears, and lepards. Frogs are mostly dying because of a dealy fungus spreding through the trees in the forest. Polar bears started to act wierd because there is not a lot of fish left in the sea, so they started to attack walruses and eat baby seals that are in the ice. Another animal that is becoming a very rare animal is the Amore Lepard. There are only 37 lepards left in the world. Some people are trying to get the Amore Lepards DNA so they can keep the number of lepards in the wild up.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Karina S 6 2010
The two topics that I might do are environment and teenage pregnancy. I might do these topics because they are some really big problems happening in East Austin and all over the world. Teenage pregnancy is real big, there are alot of people doing this and don't know what they are getting them self into. We need to tell them and other people before they make this mistake or make this mistake again.
I would also like to make my game topic environment because that is another big problem in East Austin and all over the world. The environment is getting destroyed by people, buildings, cars, trash, and machines. Trees are getting cut down and get turned into paper then get thrown away. If we contiune doing this there will be no more trees and plants, that means no more oxygen and no life.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Karina S 5 2010
These are some game topics that I found on
Web Sites - on poverty and starvation and on how they can stop it. - on trying to save the plants and trees and future nature -on trying to end child abuse - tries to show kids that they need to get outside and play instead of watching T.V all day
I picked these websites because they are all really big issues that are growing really fast. If we don't do anything to fix these things the human population will slowly go down. These websites are the things that are helping us realize that it is happening and they are helping us start changing it, we have to join them to stop it. That is the reason why I choose these websites.
Game Topics from Wiki
Some other things that I would consider on making my game topic is Recycling, Pollution, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and Teenage Pregnancy. I would choose these things to be my game topic because they are some major problems too. They are things that need to be fixed and we need to put the word out because it can destroy the earth and the human race.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Karina S. 3 2010
In Globaloria we have been watching a documentary called An Inconveniant Truth. It is about global warming and how it is effecting us on earth, for humans, animals, and plants too. Global warming is working fast, the video was talking about how the 10 hottest years has been in the late 1990's and early 2000's. The documentary is getting a little scary because all of this is happening really fast. Things are getting destroyed and melted down. All the ice on mountains is melted down. And they said soon all of the water, food, plants, and trees will be all gone if we keep living like this. They also said if the population goes up too there is a more likely chance this can happen quicker. To stop this we can use plastic, paper, gases, oils, and machines with lots of smoke coming out a lot less.