Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Karina S 11 2010

Hi, my name is Karina. The topic I'm focusing on is coral reef fish, how the live what they eat, how they benefit the coral reef, and how the numbers of fish is in the coral reef is declining because of fish farming. Some of the websites that helped me get information about this topic are....
Wiki Sources:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_reef_fish http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coastal_fish#Coral_reef_fish

Other Websites/ Informational Resources

http://www.argonauta.com/html/butterfly_fish.htm http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/butterflyfish.html

News resources that will help my research

http://www.usnews.com/science/articles/2010/04/23/lionfish-invasion-continuing-to-expand.html http://www.cdnn.info/eco/e040701/e040701.html

These websites gave me informaton about how certian fish live, what they eat, and how they are decreasing in population, and that is just what information I needed from this topic.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Karina S 12 2010

The Age of Stupid

In this movie it was talking about how global warming is really hurting us. Global warming is causing alot of natural disasters in the world. Example: hurricanes, Hurricanes cause alot of damage to oil rigs, people, and thier houses. When Katrina hit it hurt alot of people. It took them 9 months to rebuild house for the people that live there, but still people today have no home.

The film was also talking about how people in the U.S gorge them self. People in the U.S are going crazy for oil, they are taking control of other peoples property because of oil, they are polluting their air and water because of oil, decreasing the amount food because of oil. This is hurting alot of people in alot of ways. Lots of countries have oil, but are running out because we think we HAVE to have oil in every single thing we use, but we don't. Oil is also making people fight. The war in Iraq is happening because of oil.

The flim was also talking about climate change. It is because of all of the airplane use in the world .People are thinking about bring down the sales price for air planes because they think they are making things better for the people that ride trains, but all they are doing is making things worse. People are trying to put up wind frams to stop climate change, but it is making other peolpe upset because they are saying that they are destorying the view putting those things there. If you think about it, yeah they are going to block the view, but what view are we going to have in 20 years with out these things. In the movie they call our genaration the age of stupid.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Game Design Competition

My team involes Dajasia, Valerie, and me Karina. Our topic is going to be on water and air pollution in the world. It will ask math questions when the players make the wrong move or click the wrong thing. It will also give facts on water and air pollution.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Karina S 10 2010

Source 1: National Geographic
National Geographic: Deforestation
1996-2010 Found Oct. 11, 2010

Source 2: National Geographic
Forest Holocaust
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/eye/deforestation/effect.html 1996-2009
Found Oct. 11, 2010

Source 3: By: Rebecca Lidsey - Designed by Robert Simmion
Tropical Deforestation
http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/deforestation/ March 30, 2007
Found Oct. 11, 2010

Source 4: Philp M. Fearnside
Deforestation in Amazonia
http://www.eoearth.org/article/Deforestation_in_Amazonia March 30, 2007
Found Oct. 11, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Karina S 9 2010

How to Properly Cite Internet Resources

Use the format below to add Internet resources to a bibliography.

Author. Title of website.Web address or URL. Copyright date.Date you found the information.


Jennie Finch Biography.

http://www.jockbio.com/Bios/Finch/Finch_bio.html. 2010 Found October 7, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Karina S 8 2010

Coral Reef Adventure

In Globaloria we were watching a video called Coral Reef Adventure. In our notes we were asking questions about coral reefs like what are they?, Where are they found?, etc.. These are the answers we got. A coral reef is a place under water where plants live. The plants are very colorful and are very delicate, they can get destroyed very easily. All coral reefs are found on the bottom of the ocean. Coral reefs are endangered because of ocean warming, siltation, and over fishing. Over fishing is a reason why coral reefs are endangered because coral reefs need the fish to eat all of the bad things off of the plants. We need coral reefs because when they die fish die, so that means no more fish to eat and plus the generations to come will never be able to go and see coral reefs, they will just look at pictures. Some other things I found out was that coral reefs have been around for more than 60 million years. All coral reefs are almost all gone! And if you go down to see a coral reef you have to be very careful because you can get a very bad disease and die. Some things every one can do to save coral reefs is to not over fish and don't throw trash in the ocean. Together we can all save coral reefs.