Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Game Demo Slides

^ I made these for our game demo in Flash .

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games ! :)

I created this in Flash .

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Notes 2 - 23 - 2012

- Intro : Valerie
- Team intro : Karina
- Audience : Karina
- Game play : Alexis
- Learning goal : Karina
- Fun factor : Alexis
- Smart factor : Valerie

Not Completed
- Style factor: Alexis
- Originality factor : Valerie

Make sure that when you save its like this ---> TeamName_Intro or whatever screen your doing so that your file isn't replaced with anyone else . . When your making your game skeleton make sure you have buttons so that you can go to page to page ( next and previous ) . When you are making your audience page make sure you don't say " this game is for everyone " because not everyone is going to be interested in your game , you need to be specific on who the game is going to be for .

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nike .

Nike factories

- In Indonesia , people only make 1.25 dollars a day .
- They work for about 14 hours a day , maybe even more , to get as much money as possible for their families .
- Nike leaves shoe bottoms in a big pile where children play and set the shoe bottoms on fire , letting out cancerous fumes .
- The CEO of Nike could care less about what is going on in the factories and that's just really mean !
- The workers just want an honest living .
- The CEO of Nike is convinced that Americans don't want to make shoes and that's why he has it in Indonesia .
- He is not willing or wants to go over to the factories and see how its like to work there because he knows what everyone has been telling him about it being horrid is true .
- Workers are made to sign a contract in a language they don't understand .
- They take away their passports .
- To leave they have to pay off their debt and buy back passports .
- They are living in forced labor .
- The workers at the Nike factory use to live in very poor conditions , but now they have moved from that , to living in apartments .

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Object in the sky !

How could you take this real-life event and turn this into a game ?
- You could learn more about it and give information about why and how this happened by having the player go in space .

What genre would you focus on ?
- I would focus it on strategy .

What skill or topic would your game teach ?
- It would teach how this object came to earth and what it is exactly .

What would the player have to do in the game ?
- Umm , the player would have to be in a space ship and describe what they see and try to draw the object as close as they can to what they saw in the sky, then compare it to the real life one and see how similar they are to each other . And then how to describe what they think it is and how they think it got to Earth .

What would the hero of your game look like ? The enemy ?
- The hero would be a cartoon person in a space suit , but i don't think there would be an enemy .

What type of animations or sounds would the player see and hear ?
- The player would see a space setting and sounds you would hear in space .

What would be the title of your game ?
- " The Object ! "

Draw me a simple title screen in Flash of your game and embed it in the blog post. Remember you can use "Blogging Tips" in the Wiki to retrieved the embed code you will need . . .

I made this in Flash . . . :)