Friday, November 18, 2011

Reflect on Game Idea

  • WHO are you designing your game for? This game is for kids that are being abused or neglected at home or any where else. This could also be for people that know somebody in this situation and could help them.
  • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? My game will teach people how tell if a child is being abused or neglected ( like the signs of it happening ), it will also teach people how to stop child abuse.
  • WHERE does your game happen? My game will be taken place at school and at little kids homes where the action is taking place. It will add to the learning experience because it will show that this can happen anywhere.
  • HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic? It will help they be aware of whats happening at home or any where else.
  • WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz? Its better than a quiz because the game is visual and it will give information as you are playing the game.


  1. I think it's good that you are bringing attention to child abuse because some people do and really don't care but they should think about their actions because its hurt the kid and then they will regret it later.

  2. I really enjoy reading your blog post I think that this is also a huge important topic to research about. Also I think that people should focus on it because there are more and more kid's going through this. I like that your game will help teach other's about child abuse and to help people be aware of it.... Good choice of word's and of the topic.


  3. I think I will enjoy your game and to that is like the most thing that happens. Like later in the day a kid will get abuse by someone and they just take them if I was doing that topic I would of chosen that topic that is a good choice and topic.

  4. I agree with Absolutely Everything you said!
    This is a great topic, because domestic violence is a HUGE problem in America and I think when people play your game they will definitely come out with some useful information to take with them.

  5. I am glad you are focusing on Child Abuse/Domestic Violence. It is a problem in part of our communities. Not just in our communities but all over the World. Hopefully people will learn much and help prevent this. Great Job! I'm ready to play your game! :)


  6. I think that's the best idea. Because, first I would have never have thought of child abuse. I hope it turns out great.

  7. I think that this is a good game idea.I think that you will also make a good game about this topic because many kids are being abused by strangers.This is not only a problem in the community, but in the whole world.I think that many people will learn from this game.Good Job Karina!!!
